Real People, Real Properties

The Name eGetinnz

What is in a name? Founded and established in 2016, eGetinnz is the newest travel accommodation booking website that is here to help you get closer to the world. e/Get/inn(z) to break it down, e stands for the business and transactions being conducted through the internet (e-commerce). The second breakdown of the brand is merely the certainty of securing and acquiring, with eGetinnz, unavailability is mediocrity, the guest should get what they have came for. Lastly, innz are our pool of properties stored safely in the cloud for our guests to choose from.

Hence, eGetinnz is your choice of accommodation when you travel, providing you smart choice when looking for a home away from yours.egetinnz.com_newpage

Accommodation For Everyone

eGetinnz can assist everyone, folks from different walk if life. Individual look for a place to conduct business, a family wanting to bond and make memories, or even backpacker bloggers in need of a place to stay at for pleasure, seeking for new experiences. With eGetinnz, qualifying hosts and prioritizing a personal commitment to ensure that the properties listed on the website and social media platforms are legit, that there would be real people welcoming the guests that trusted eGetinnz.

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The Difference from Other Websites

What sets eGetinnz apart from other established booking websites is its credibility, it is not only real people, real properties with eGetinnz but also real people, real solutions. The knowledge that we can offer guests that need guidance and advice. Unlike other certain websites with hostile customer service, there are genuine people that will take care of you behind the eGetinnz brand in addition to that there are absolutely no hidden charges with eGetinnz. What is shown on the website on the property of liking, that is surely it. No extra pop-up add-ons, that leave travelers and tourists alike confused and bewildered in other websites.


Decide and reside at a very reasonable price. eGetinnz offers a wide variety of properties that guests can choose from. You can always check for the availability of accommodation here on our website at, live while you can, travel now, and book with us.
